Finding Comfort at Avalon Malibu

Finding Comfort at Avalon Malibu

Substance use disorder (SUD) can be very challenging to overcome. When choosing a treatment center, it’s important to think about finding comfort. The ability to provide a comfortable space to heal in is a core value at Avalon Malibu. It is something we prioritize in our treatment programs. In this blog, we’ll go over some of the ways you can find comfort at Avalon Malibu. We know you can feel at home in our addiction recovery programs.

Finding Comfort in Residential Treatment

Residential addiction treatment involves living at the facility where you’re receiving treatment. This gives you a higher level of access to resources and staff. Living at an inpatient facility is especially pertinent during detox, as it’s a good idea to detox under the supervision of medical professionals.

Beyond that, residential treatment offers other benefits. If your SUD is more severe, inpatient treatment ensures you have 24/7 access to help. Additionally, it can be helpful to get out of the environment in which your SUD thrived and into a sober, supportive living environment.

The Cottage House

At Avalon Malibu, there are a variety of ways that we prioritize finding comfort. One of the ways that we do this is through luxurious residential treatment spaces. The Cottage House is a homey space that we have dedicated to helping you recover well.

This residential SUD treatment space is a beachfront property that houses both men and women dealing with addiction. When you come to the Cottage House, you can go through the early stages of recovery, including evaluation, detox, and holistic treatment.

Concerns About Finding Comfort

You may worry about entering a SUD program because it would mean leaving home. Luckily, the Cottage House is a good compromise as it is a comforting environment that also helps you achieve and maintain sobriety.

Many people prefer the inpatient form of treatment because it’s comprehensive and holistic. All the members of your treatment team will be Avalon Malibu staff. They’ll be able to communicate and coordinate your care plus help you feel at home in our facility. Choosing Avalon Malibu and living at the Cottage House is an excellent way to begin your treatment. This way, you get the peace of mind that comes from receiving qualified care in a comfortable location.

Overcoming SUD can be extremely challenging. If you’re currently searching for treatment options, consider Avalon Malibu. Our treatment programs are holistic and designed with evidenced-backed methods. Additionally, we consider comfort a core factor in treatment outcomes. Curious about if our services could be the right fit for you? Give us a call at (844) 857-5992, and we’ll connect you with a member of our staff who can share more about our comfortable facility and treatment programs.

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