Demi Lovato’s Fight With Addiction

demi lovato

Celebrities are often in the spotlight not just for their talent, but for the lifestyle they lead and the choices they make. Demi Lovato is no exception; in 2017, she released her documentary, “Simply Complicated” on YouTube for fans to hear the truth behind her career and life. She explained her use with beginning cocaine at the age of 17 and following her father’s footsteps towards addiction – she stated that her father spent more time engaging in addiction than with his family. The inside look of her life reveals some of the struggles that she went through, how she experienced addiction and how she embraces recovery now.

USA Today states that her documentary explores “some of her darkest times, including her drug addiction (which ranged from pills to cocaine), eating disorder and even a time she punched one of her back-up dancers.” Demi shared her moments of struggling with mental illness, and she stated for The Hollywood Reporter, “I’m looking at my future and my past, and I want to share that with my fans.”

When Demi first appeared in Disney shows around the age of 15, she struggled with immense pressures to get everything she needed done, dress in certain ways, sing songs that others would like, and more. This increased her anxiety and struggled with anger. She experienced depression and had a lot of anger because of the pressures and her use with Adderall. She was later diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and shortly after treatment she was abusing drugs more. Demi stated, “I wasn’t ready to get sober. I was sneaking it on planes, sneaking it in bathrooms, sneaking it throughout the night – nobody knew.”

Demi explained a moment in the documentary where she was asked to give up her cell phone by her managers. At 19, she was battling with addiction and was asked to submerge her phone in water – a phone that had the numbers of drug dealers and other people who would use with her. This was one of the defining moments that led her towards sobriety. Demi now has over 5 years of sobriety. Her documentary, although showing some difficult moments, is a film of success.

Demi states that she is still working on being independent, and that she is still struggling with her eating disorder, but that she is proud of her sobriety to drugs and alcohol. Demi is, just like anyone else, a real person going through the ups and downs of recovery. She is still pushing through, and so can you. Don’t give up. Keep pushing.





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