Being Supportive to Your Loved One in Recovery

mom with hands on sad daughter's shoulder

Most likely, we all know someone who suffers from addiction or a mental illness. It can be challenging to see our loved ones go through this – we want to see them happy, healthy, and on their way to success. Some of us have known that our loved ones have suffered from a malady for quite some time now, and we may have even helped them during rough times by being there for them, giving them a little bit of money, or even letting them stay with us for a while. Others may just now be finding out that their loved one is suffering – and this can sometimes be surprising, upsetting news. Either way, mental illness and addiction are tough topics to support if we do not know much about them. Here are some of the best tips to ensure that we are providing the most love and support to those we care about:


Try to Understand their Addiction/Mental Illness

Researching what your loved one experiences daily gives us insight into who they are and what they deal with every day. By further exploring the characteristics of a mental illness or the symptoms of an addiction and the effects that each can have on a person’s life and those around them, we can have a better grasp on the situation.


Encourage Participation in Recovery and Treatment

Your loved one needs all the support and encouragement that they can get right now – and hearing you get excited about them taking steps towards bettering their future may be just what they need.


Create a Safe Environment for Your Loved One to Recover

Make sure that you have a space for your loved one to relax without stressors and temptations that may cause them to get off track.


Recognize that Your Loved One is on a New Path in Life

The person you care about is trying to overcome the challenges they have faced in the past – understand that they are growing, changing, and working to better themselves. Help them in these endeavors and be excited for their new path.


Take Great Care of Yourself

One of the best ways that we can take care of others, is to take care of ourselves. By making sure that we are getting plenty of sleep, exercise, nutritious foods, enjoyment in life and more, we are ensuring that our “cup is full” and able to provide for others as well.


Recovery can be a scary beginning for many people, because they are changing their habits and behaviors towards something they haven’t done in a long time. If we can build a dedicated support group for them, we can show them just how loved they really are. We can help them reach their goals and watch them develop into a happier, healthier version of themselves.


Residential treatment programs give you the time you need to focus on healing. Avalon Malibu is one of California’s only certified primary mental health treatment facility providing trusted programs with trusted results. For a confidential assessment and more information, call us today: 888-958-7511

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