Why Long-term Recovery can be Extremely Beneficial for You

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When you make the decision to seek help for your mental illness, addiction, or dual diagnosis, you are taking a courageous step. Recovery is multi-faceted and incorporates all aspects of daily life, primarily because it forces us to change for the better. Our typical routine may have been different when we were engaged in actively-addictive behaviors, but once we enter recovery, our mornings change. The people whom we spend our time with may change, and the way in which we handle situations may improve. The Substance Abuse and Mental Services Administration notes four main components that support a life in recovery:

  • Health: Overcoming one’s addiction or learning to manage symptoms of a mental illness are critical to a life in recovery. Abstaining from drugs or alcohol, implementing more self-care, and getting physical exercise are just a few examples of health care.
  • Home: Having a stable, safe, secure place to live is just as important – having a dangerous or unsecure environment can trigger negative behaviors.
  • Purpose: Participating in meaningful activities such as volunteering, working, creative projects, family endeavors, and more create purpose and fulfillment in our lives. Many incorporate spirituality to help them find purpose as well.
  • Community: Having healthy relationships with friends, family, and social networks that provide hope, love, friendship and support.

Long-term recovery often involves similar components to a regular treatment plan, but the process is much longer, typically between 3 months to 1 year. If you use long-term recovery, you will often stay at a rehabilitation center that works with you to recover. A holistic, integrative treatment center is the best option because it incorporates all the above necessities to support a life in recovery. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH) notes that long-term rehabilitation centers provide support 24/7. Treatment is highly structured and comprehensive services such as employment training are often offered onsite. Many activities are included in long-term rehabilitation that help people confront damaging beliefs, self-concepts, and destructive patterns by adopting new harmonious and constructive ways to interact with others.




If you have a deep-rooted addiction, consider long-term rehabilitation. Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, client-centered mental health and addiction recovery treatment center. We believe that recovery incorporates all aspects – mind, body, and spirit. Our serene location and home-like center will give you the time and space necessary to focus solely on your recovery. This is your time to take back control over your life. Call us today at 866-721-5914 to begin your journey today.

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