Why an Intensive Outpatient Program Could be Just What you Need

Intensive Outpatient meeting

Perhaps you’ve got some pressing needs that you feel deserve the attention of licensed healthcare professionals. If you’ve been doing research to find the best option for your needs and circumstance, consider an intensive outpatient program (IOP). An IOP gives you just the flexibility you need to go about your daily routines while still giving you enough structure to stay active and involved in your treatment. IOPs are a great option if:

  • You don’t need 24/7 care
  • You want a more affordable option for treatment
  • You have a safe, supportive home-life that will minimize your risks of relapse
  • You have adequate transportation
  • You have flexibility to attend multiple sessions each week
  • You have childcare and any other responsibilities taken care of while you attend treatment

If you fall under this category, an IOP could be an excellent fit for you. Most IOP programs require that you attend group sessions several times each week, lasting for a few hours. Overall, the program may last between 3-8 weeks. With an IOP, you will receive great levels of care with people who will be there to support you throughout your entire recovery journey. You will be able to work towards your recovery while still maintaining your daily responsibilities, such as being there for your children and significant other. If you are in school, you may also benefit from this option as you will have more freedom to continue pursuing your goals.

Inpatient residential programs can be more expensive and require that a person pay for housing and meals in addition to treatment. This is a great option for those who need it – but if you feel that some guidance and structure from a recovery team will help you get back on track, this could be a great fit.

IOPs often include individual and group therapy, education classes regarding the stages of change, disease of addiction model, brain chemistry with addiction, how to manage urges and cravings, and much more. You will be able to get a better understanding of addiction as well as effective coping strategies to better manage daily triggers and urges. Speak with a reputable treatment center today to learn more about how an IOP could work for you.

If you’re seeking treating for mental illness or substance abuse, call us today at 855-545-9124. Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, California state-licensed treatment center with licensed, experienced professionals who care about your recovery. Our dedicated healthcare team will work with you to ensure that you get the help that you need. Make the decision to place your health and happiness as top priority and call us for a consultation.

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