What does Psychoeducation Mean?

group therapy

Whether you’re seeking recovery for a mental illness or an addiction, your condition may not always be as straight-forward as it seems. For instance, many people have been diagnosed with a mental illness and, while they understand the “label” of their experiences (for example: depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, etc.), they may not fully comprehend what their mental illness entails, how it affects their daily life, how their past experiences have contributed to their condition, and what steps they need to take moving forward to better manage their symptoms. Psychoeducation is a combination of psychotherapy and education – an intervention used to provide specific information related to the concern of the client. Reputable treatment centers utilize psychoeducation to inform individuals, families, and groups.

Family members have been shown to greatly benefit from psychoeducation interventions; the American Psychological Association (APA) states that family members can help reduce patient relapse rates by adhering to what their loved one needs most – these families often do not know what their loved one truly needs until they obtain more information from a psychoeducation intervention. A research review published in the journal Evidence-Based Adjunctive Treatments highlights 4 main components of psychoeducation:

  1. Treatment of the condition
  2. Management of the condition
  3. Compliance with medical and psychological treatment
  4. Prevention of progression and relapse

By learning more information about a particular mental illness or addiction, individuals are much more able to take control over their lives and move forward because they have a full picture of their condition. A 2017 review titled “Neuroscience-Informed Psychoeducation for Addiction Medicine: A Neurocognitive Perspective” has also emphasized discussions of adverse side effects to medication, coping strategies, family education, and life skill training as key topics for discussion in psychoeducation programs.

In addition to the education received, many patients, family members, and groups leave having made valuable friendships that contribute to their well-being and recovery. Dr. Sherman, a psychologist, told the APA, “There’s more to it than just what we give them in the [psychoeducation] program. Through contacts made in the session, they’re [participants] able to develop friendships that add ongoing support.”

If you haven’t already, speak with a professional from a reputable treatment center to learn more about psychoeducational programs and how you or your family can get involved.

Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, California state-licensed mental health and substance abuse recovery center. If you are ready to seek treatment to develop the tools you need to overcome life’s obstacles and be on the road towards happiness, health, and well-being, call us today at 888-958-7511 for a consultation. It’s never too late, and there are people here ready to help you.

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