What Are Trauma Disorders and How Are They Treated?

What Are Trauma Disorders And How Are They Treated?

We know that with addiction being a complex diagnosis, sometimes trauma can be part of the reason. Trauma disorders alone can be complex issues, too. Healing from both your addiction and trauma disorder is possible. There are different types of trauma disorders and different ways to get treatment. Trauma-informed therapy can be incredibly beneficial when in treatment for addiction. If you are diagnosed with an addiction and a trauma disorder, both must be addressed in treatment so you can heal. 

The Connection Between Trauma Disorders And Addiction

There can commonly be a connection between trauma disorders and addiction. Sometimes, one can cause the other to develop, but that does not take away from the complexity of either diagnosis. Trauma can also stem from a variety of places. It is important to explore where yours could stem from with the help of therapy. Therapy with Avalon Malibu could be an option for you, especially with the dual diagnosis of a trauma disorder and addiction. 

Treatment for your addiction is essential, and we believe treating you as a whole individual is key to your long-term recovery. With this in mind, exploring your trauma disorder could be a vital piece to your recovery. If you experienced trauma at a young age, we can help determine the connection between your trauma and addiction. According to Depression and Anxiety, there is a link between childhood trauma and the development of substance use disorder (SUD).

Understanding the root causes of your trauma disorder in a safe space can help you heal. We believe we can be that safe space for you. Treating your trauma disorder in addiction recovery is vital because it can help prevent relapses. We know talking about traumatic experiences can be difficult. We want to assure you that our staff is equipped and ready to help you. Trauma-informed therapy could be one way we can help you gain freedom from your trauma and addiction.

Trauma-Informed Therapy

There are a few different types of trauma disorders. What can be key to healing is having trauma-informed therapy made available to you. Trauma, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), is an event or circumstance resulting in physical harm, emotional harm, or life-threatening harm. This event or circumstance can have lasting effects on your mental, physical, and/or emotional health. If this description is relatable, we could be one option you utilize to help you heal from your trauma. Trauma-informed therapy can be crucial. 

When using methods such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), therapists who are trained in trauma may need to integrate additional approaches for clients who have a trauma disorder diagnosis. Trauma-informed therapy can help clients who may need reassurance of safety, for example. This type of approach can also help you identify triggers for your trauma and thus allow your therapist to help you learn how to navigate them in healthy ways. Another benefit to trauma-informed therapy is that your therapist can work with you to decrease the symptoms of your trauma disorder. When you have a diagnosis of addiction and a trauma disorder, decreasing symptoms can be a key piece to your recovery. 

Treating Trauma in Addiction Recovery

Going through trauma treatment when you are in addiction treatment may seem overwhelming. If Avalon Malibu is a good fit for you, we assure you that our staff can help. Treating your trauma disorder, in the long run, can have benefits for your addiction recovery. As previously mentioned, trauma disorders and addiction can be connected. Sometimes, you may notice that your trauma occurred first. In other cases, the addiction can occur first.

“Traumatic Stress and Substance Abuse Problems” by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) states, “People with alcohol or drug use problems are more likely to experience traumatic events than those without these problems. Many people find themselves in a vicious cycle in which exposure to traumatic events produces increased alcohol and drug use, which produces new traumatic event experiences, which leads to even worse substance use, and so forth.”

No matter which diagnosis occurred before the other, it is vital to your recovery that you address your trauma as you recover from addiction to break the cycle. Treatment for trauma disorders can vary depending on your needs. One way in which we can treat your trauma disorder at Avalon Malibu includes a method called eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR can be utilized to not only find the root cause of your trauma but can also help you to take your power back from the trauma.

Other ways your trauma disorder can be treated may include a variety of methods. We believe that combining multiple therapies for the treatment of trauma disorders and addiction can give you an individualized treatment plan that works for you. 

Trauma disorders can seem like a scary diagnosis, and addressing the trauma behind it could sound difficult. At Avalon Malibu, we stress the importance of addressing any trauma disorder you may have when in treatment for your addiction. Addressing trauma in addiction treatment can help teach you healthy ways to manage triggers. In the big picture, coping with trauma in healthy ways when you also have an addiction diagnosis can help prevent relapses. We know there can be a connection between addiction and trauma disorders, and we want to help you. Call (844) 857-5992 for additional information on how Avalon Malibu can utilize trauma-informed therapy to help you heal from trauma and addiction today.

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