The Importance of Nutritional Support Throughout Recovery

The Importance of Nutritional Support Throughout Recovery

At Avalon Malibu, we know addiction can take a tremendous toll on your mind and body. We also know there can be many different components to the development of addiction. Due to the complexity, it can be crucial to your recovery that a variety of healthy changes are made. In treatment for your addiction, we can support you by teaching you how to make a variety of these healthy changes. Remaining open to trying different methods can also be beneficial during this time. One specific way we can help improve your health is through nutritional support. You may be surprised at how proper nutritional support can benefit you throughout your recovery journey.

An Explanation of Our Nutritional Support

If addiction treatment at Avalon Malibu is the right fit for you, you will work with our wellness staff. Upon arrival, all clients receive an assessment. From here, the wellness staff can help guide you to nutritional success. Our idea of nutritional support is guided by evidence of health issues that can be connected or related to addiction. Some examples of health issues that can develop due to addiction include weight loss, digestion problems, and anemia. Proper nutrition can correct some physical health ailments that are caused by addiction.

An important piece of nutritional support is education. Unfortunately, in today’s society, many people can share incorrect information about health and nutrition on the Internet. If you receive treatment from us, rest assured our team is highly trained with licensed professionals who can help support you in your recovery. Our staff has your best interest in heart and mind. Together, we will work with you to find solutions that can help make your recovery journey more comfortable. No one wants to be sick or feel unwell and with nutritional support in combination with your treatment plan, we can help you. 

Our team has an exceptional ability to teach you about how to utilize healthy habits after treatment. This is an important skill to have throughout recovery for many reasons. After you have completed treatment, you can take what you have learned and implement it into your daily life. This can improve your chances of long-term addiction recovery. 

Why Nutritional Support Can Be Important to Addiction Recovery

Knowledge of nutrition can benefit addiction recovery. There are a variety of reasons why you could find nutritional support helpful. For example, nutritional support can help your body to feel better internally. This can be crucial to recovery. When your body feels energized and healthy, the chances of you feeling motivated to participate in other important tasks like therapy could be much higher. Avalon Malibu offers many different methods of treatment. We understand you need to feel good internally to put full effort into your recovery. Nutritional support could be a vital piece to ensure you can do so.

A study published by Drug and Alcohol Dependence concluded individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) and drug use disorder commonly have vitamin deficiencies that can make recovery less likely or more difficult to occur successfully. This finding could suggest the importance of nutritional support and how it is a crucial component of recovery from addiction. 

Nutritional support, as previously mentioned, can help your body to feel better from the inside. When your body feels good, you are more likely to engage in life differently. If you think of a time when you felt sick, you would probably be less likely to interact with friends and family in a fun and light-hearted way. One goal with nutritional support is to have you feeling good and find life enjoyable. When you are feeling good, this can open up opportunities to enjoy life in new and healthy ways, including recovering.

Other Benefits of Balanced Nutrition

We know now that balanced nutrition from nutritional support can benefit your addiction recovery in many ways. Some other benefits can include providing you with the energy to learn new skills. These skills can include new hobbies like improving your physical strength. Good nutrition can allow you to push yourself in new ways. This can include running or weightlifting for some. For others, this may look like going on walks or playing a recreational sport with friends.

Some other benefits of nutritional support can include an overall appreciation for your recovery and health. This could lead you to try other new things like setting new goals for yourself. Think about something you have always wanted to do but never have because of your health. Maybe now you can set small goals to work your way toward a new job or career, or maybe you take a dream vacation. Whatever it may be, we believe you deserve recovery, and you deserve to be healthy and enjoy life while getting on track with nutritional support.  

Addiction can be damaging to your body inside and out. Learning how to take care of yourself in treatment with nutritional support can be a great way to start reversing some of the damage caused by addiction. Nutritional support can benefit your recovery in many ways and can help you to feel good on the inside. This can help you to have a better chance at long-term recovery. At Avalon Malibu, our wellness team can teach you skills to take the best care of yourself through your nutritional choices, which you can take with you after your treatment is completed. Call (844) 857-5992 for more information on how we can help you. 

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