The Benefits of Partial Hospitalization

woman standing while group claps

Partial hospitalization typically involves the most intensive care available outside of nonresidential programs, and it could be just want you need. It is often used for people who suffer from addiction and abuse, mental health disorders, and/or behavioral health disorders. People who have already completed residential treatment and want to transition to more independent living may benefit from this form of hospitalization, and people whose needs do not require residential treatment may also use partial hospitalization.

According to the Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare (AABH), partial hospitalization can be beneficial because it costs less than full residential facilitation, and those who participate in this program often need less treatment afterwards because of the intensive care they received during that time. Participating in partial hospitalization could mean that you receive the care that you need while maintaining outside responsibilities and transitioning to full, independent living.

Partial hospitalization may include medical attention as well as individual or group therapy, just as they would in residential facilities. The program typically requires 6 or more hours each week, and you would continue to learn about your addiction or mental illness and even discuss your concerns with others. Here, family is even given an opportunity to attend therapy and work with you as well. However, where you would live and receive food in a residential treatment center, partial hospitalization means that you would return home each day, able to take care of your children or other home responsibilities.

However, this form of treatment is not appropriate for those who suffer from severe addiction and behavioral issues, or those who are just beginning their journey to recovery and need full support. Partial hospitalization is not beneficial for those who need round-the-clock care, and if you are suffering severely from behavioral issues or other concerns, this may not be an appropriate option for you. If you have indicated initial stability in your residential program but may not be fully ready for outpatient programs, partial hospitalization may be a wonderful choice.

If you are considering participating in partial hospitalization, please speak with a health care professional now. If you are currently in a rehabilitation facility, speaking with a leader in your program could be beneficial because they will be able to work with you to determine a plan of action that fits your needs.


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