Navigating Romance in Recovery

Romance in Recovery

Being in active substance use recovery can make it challenging to navigate romantic relationships since you must dedicate enough time to your recovery. This perhaps leaves less room for connecting with individuals outside of your treatment program.

You may be wondering how to start a romantic relationship in recovery and navigate meeting people while prioritizing your recovery. It can be challenging to manage both at the same time. Yet finding, keeping, and nurturing relationships throughout recovery can be just as important a piece of recovery as any other part.

Giving Yourself Time

While it may feel tempting to jump into a partnership as soon as you begin recovery, give yourself some space to adjust to a new normal as you feel out how much time you need to dedicate solely to maintaining recovery. Too much change at once can sabotage your efforts to heal as it can be overwhelming if you do not know your limits yet.

Choosing Healthy Partners and Relationships

Recovery must include rethinking who you want to allow in your life so that you avoid people who are detrimental to your recovery. Similarly, recovery is a time to bring a new balance to how you spend your time.

These are things to consider when thinking about finding a romantic partner. Be sure that potential partners are supportive of your recovery and that the time you dedicate to fostering this new relationship does not take away from your progress.

It may be helpful to consider where your authentic self spends their time, what they do for fun, in addition to the type of romantic partnership they would like to be in. While considering these components, you can begin expanding where you allow yourself to spend time and thus open yourself up to the opportunity of meeting new people.

Putting Your Recovery First

Regardless of how ready you are to begin dating or continue a romantic relationship with someone during recovery, you must put your recovery first. This will look different from person to person, depending on how far into recovery you are and what your treatment plan entails. Just remember, unless you prioritize your recovery above your relationship, both may suffer.

Being Patient With Yourself

Navigating romance throughout recovery can be challenging, which is why it is important to remember to meet yourself where you are, give yourself grace, and be patient with yourself. Taking care of yourself and giving yourself what you need through recovery is exactly what will create space for a relationship to happen in perfect timing.

Navigating romantic relationships can be challenging in recovery from substance use, especially as you learn healthier ways of being in relationships with others that are far removed from substances. At Avalon Malibu, we understand how challenging it can be to let go of past programming as you choose healthy partnerships, put yourself first, and practice patience with yourself. If you are struggling to do this alone, we can help. Call Avalon Malibu today at (844) 857-5992 to begin your recovery. 

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