Is Depression One Size Fits All? Science Says It Isn’t

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Depression doesn’t look the same from one person to the next. That is why treating mental health disorders cannot be done with a blanket treatment program. Each individual is different in the way their mental illness manifests and the way that they respond most positively to treatment. Listing the symptoms of depression indicates its diversity. One has a change in appetite, either eating more or less. They might experience a sudden change in weight, either gaining or losing it. With sleep, they’re either sleeping or they aren’t. Signs of compensatory optimism might show, or, there might be blatant pessimism. Depression can be confused with mania when someone tries to cope for their negative feelings, or it can result in a complete lack of energy and motivation. Depression doesn’t have just one type, it has many types.

Scientific American reported on new findings by Conor Liston, a neuroscientist and psychiatrist, and his team, published by Nature Medicine. Through the innovative use of “resting fMRI” and investigating biomarkers, Liston and his team determined four separate types of depression. Promisingly, Liston feels that if the findings from his study could be repeated and therefore improved, mental health treatment for depression could radically changed. “If confirmed in additional studies, the findings could enable clearer diagnoses and pave the way for personalized therapies targeting brain networks found to be awry in individual patients.”

The four types haven’t been characterized yet but are instead defined by individual brain responses. Understanding depression is a critical step in learning how to treat it better.

Signs Of Depression

Depression is not just a mental health disorder, it becomes a physical health disorder as well. As indicated by the list of symptoms of above, telling what is depression and what is not can be difficult. For example, people with depression can become hypersensitive and emotional. Conversely, they can become agitated, aggressive, and defensive. Though depression shouldn’t be generalized, there are general changes to look for; that is, significant changes. If something feels off, isn’t normal, and doesn’t seem to just go away on its own, there’s a chance you are struggling with a chemical imbalance like depression.

If you or a loved one are in need of treatment for depression or another mental health disorder, call Avalon Malibu. We are one of California’s only treatment facilities certified to provide treatment to primary mental health conditions. Our beautiful estate also houses or substance use disorder treatment facility, giving us the ability to treat dual diagnosis clients with

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