How Can I Make The Most of an Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program?

intensive outpatient treatment group meeting

Before you embark on a specific treatment program, it’s important to make sure that the one you’ve selected fits your needs best. Intensive outpatient treatment programs are best for those who:

  • Do not need medical detoxification
  • Do not need 24-hour care
  • Have a supportive home-life with nearly nothing that could hinder their recovery
  • Have the discipline to make recovery-based decisions outside of the program itself
  • Have the means necessary to get to and from treatment, have child care arrangements, etc.

If you feel that you may need more assistance or care with your recovery, you may want to look into inpatient or residential treatment options. These options typically provide housing accomodations, detoxification treatment, and various other modes of support. If intensive outpatient treatment still works best for you, there are several ways that you can ensure you get the most out of it:

  1. Truly engage in therapy. You will likely participate in both individual and group therapy, multiple times a week. Even if you’re nervous, it’s important to be open to learning and sharing your experiences. The more open you allow yourself to be in therapy, the greater the potential that you will gain from it.
  2. Miss as little as possible. If you’re driving to your treatment center, it can be tempting to miss a day or two if you’re feeling tired, anxious, depressed, etc. With intensive outpatient treatment, it’s your responsibility to get the most out of your care as possible – missing days could mean increasing your chances for relapse or missing important information that you needed to hear that day. Always try your best to make each and every appointment.
  3. Establish a support system both at home and outside of home. Psych Central states that establishing a strong support system is crucial to your success in recovery; you need people whom you can rely on when you’re struggling, as well as people who uplift your recovery journey. Make sure your significant other and family members are supportive of you, and try to establish connections in your treatment program so that you have someone else you can rely on as well.
  4. Take what you’ve learned serious – outside of the program, too. Outpatient treatment doesn’t mean that you should only practice what you’ve learned while you’re inside the building – each day is an opportunity to exercise everything you’ve learned. Taking the program seriously means that you have a higher probability for success.





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