How Acupuncture Can Increase Wellness During Your Recovery

How Acupuncture Can Increase Wellness During Your Recovery

When beginning mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, it is crucial to ensure your treatment plan is holistic and integrates different modalities for optimal healing.

At Avalon Malibu, located in California, we utilize several different modalities in treatment programming to meet you where you are, help you find what works for you, and what will help you along your recovery journey. Acupuncture is one therapeutic option that has many benefits.

What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that uses tiny needles to penetrate the skin to clear and remove toxic energies from the body, which may be blocking qi, your life force energy.

When qi flows clearly, you experience increased energy, healthy well-being, good digestion, and overall holistic wellness. When the flow of qi is blocked, you may experience increased anxiety, depression, fatigue, and emotional distress.

How Acupuncture Works

An acupuncturist administers tiny needles on various points in the body where qi energy may be blocked, based on any symptoms you are experiencing.

In beginning acupuncture treatment, you will meet with your acupuncturist and create an individualized treatment plan for what acupuncture therapy will look like for you. The treatment plan will be created based on the struggles you are experiencing, the goals you have, and the lifestyle you live.

The Benefits of Acupuncture

Acupuncture has many benefits to your overall well-being. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Reduction in physical, emotional, and psychological pain
  • Decreased symptoms associated with mental illness and/or SUD recovery 
  • Increased energy and outlook on life
  • Diminished feelings of pressure and improved calm and ease

When Beginning Acupuncture Therapy

Although often done independent of SUD treatment programs and psychotherapy, acupuncture therapy — from a holistic perspective and to minimize chances or relapse — is also a great accompaniment to other modalities to aid in your healing.

Acupuncture can accompany your holistic treatment program in your journey to recovering from mental illness and substance use disorder. While focusing on healing your physical body in treatment, you are also healing your mind as well. The mind-body connection is a key component in recovery from mental illness and substance use disorder. At Avalon Malibu, we recognize how connected our mental, physical, and emotional wellness is, which is why we approach recovery from a holistic perspective. We can help you toward long-term and sustainable recovery. If you are ready to begin your recovery journey, call us today at (844) 857-5992.

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