Four Types of OCD You May Not Be Familiar With

Types of OCD

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a condition in which individuals experience obsessive thoughts that are intrusive in nature.  They can lead to the urge to perform repetitive and compulsive behaviors.

We often hear about certain types of OCD — such as the fear of germs and contamination, or the need for everything to be in perfect symmetry — but these are just a couple of the vast subtypes of OCD.

Other Subtypes of OCD You May Not Know About  

#1. Harm OCD: Harm OCD is a type of OCD where individuals have fears and obsessions involving harming themselves or others. These obsessions are typically violent in nature. Individuals may avoid those they love in fear of hurting them. This can cause the person great distress due to the ego-dystonic nature of these thoughts.

#2. Pedophilia OCD: This subtype of OCD is characterized by individuals who fear they are a pedophile. The person’s obsessive thoughts are centered around unwanted and intrusive notions of harming children. Repetitive, compulsive behaviors may include avoiding children, checking with others to reassure themself that they are not a pedophile, and avoiding anything that reminds them of children.

#3. Existential OCD: Existential OCD is a type of OCD where individuals obsess over philosophical meanings of life. This type of OCD causes unwanted and intrusive thoughts questioning if reality, life, or oneself is real. Compulsions may include endlessly seeking answers to existential questions and replaying old situations in one’s life to validate that their life is real.

#4. Relationship OCD: This type of OCD is characterized by obsessively fearing if one is in the right relationship. The individual may compulsively question if they are attracted to their partner or if they are attracted to someone else. Common compulsions in ROCD may include seeking reassurance from their partner that they love them or avoiding their relationship in fear of hurting the other person.

OCD can cause confusion and fear of yourself. At Avalon Malibu, we recognize how uncertain the process of recovery from OCD can be, and we are here to help you navigate each step of the way. No matter what type of OCD you may find yourself struggling with, we have the mental health treatment teams to support you. You will also be among professionals and peers that create a safe and secure environment. To learn more, call Avalon Malibu today at (844) 857-5992.

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