Finding Your Sober Friends

Entering substance addiction treatment is similar to entering a foreign culture. We don’t know the language, customs, or what to expect. Likewise, sobriety is like entering a foreign country.


Foreign cultures ask us to extend ourselves beyond our comfort zone. We need to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Change occurs somewhere between “I don’t think I can” and “I did.” Substance addiction treatment takes place in the same space. When we don’t think we can handle another truth or revelation yet remain committed to our treatment, we open ourselves up to the moment of realization. We realize we are stronger than we thought, not broken, and can move forward without our old comfort zones. We can strive to go farther, learn more, and break out of old habits.


Old habits can include people, places, and things. Once we complete substance addiction treatment, we have the knowledge we learned and, even so, often went back to our old lives. We can choose to fall back into our former way of life or use the strength we found in treatment to move forward.




In life, we have choices. When we leave treatment, we don’t leave our new selves. We are strong, resilient, and versed in a new culture, sobriety. We can choose to remain fluent in this new language and immerse ourselves in the sober culture, go back to our old environment, or try to integrate the two. There are no wrong decisions, just choices we then follow.


Perhaps, we cut ties with our old life and try to find sober friends. When we attend sessions or meetings, we can ask others about sober social groups. Other options to finding sober friends include meet-up groups, interest groups, or social media groups that meet online, in-person, or a hybrid of the two. Maybe we want to try something different. The good news is that there is absolutely a sober group out there for each one of us. The beauty of sobriety is there’s so much to explore and experience when we aren’t under the influence. We have options.


The decision to attend a social event with new people is another step to experiencing a new culture. Sober friends and groups have fun without alcohol or drugs. They support each other in their sobriety and act as guides in helping us find new ways to find enjoyment. Soon, with the encouragement of our new friends, we can break out on our own, explore new activities, learn new things, and include those who enjoy life without substances.


Sobriety is a culture we can explore. There’s a neverending amount of new and comforting experiences we can try. Friends who support and believe in each other help us remain sober. Sobriety is not about giving up fun. Being sober means we have a new culture to explore and a language to learn. It means finding new friends and becoming rooted in the culture of sobriety. Learn how to find your unique culture with Avalon Malibu. Please call (844) 857-5992.

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