Cultivating the Ability to Be Alone

Cultivating the Ability to Be Alone

Healing journeys can be lonely. Whether you are healing from addiction, mental illness, or something else, it can feel as if nobody understands what you are going through and how exhausting the process is.

As lonely as healing journeys can be, it can help to remember you are not alone, even when it feels like you are. Being alone can be a powerful space where you can get to know yourself on a deeper level that leads to growth, authenticity, and the freedom to be who you are.

Remembering Our Common Humanity

While you are healing, it may feel as if you are all alone and that nobody else understands what you are going through. It may not feel safe to share what you are experiencing with anyone. However, it is important to remember that though nobody else has your exact set of circumstances, many other people go through similar healing journeys as you. All humans feel emotions such as loneliness, anxiety, and depression—though what it looks like for them may be different for you. Although everyone is different—and this is what adds to the spice of life—we all share the experience of being human. This is what is called common humanity.

Cultivating Comfort in Your Skin

Cultivating the be the ability to be alone and feel safe in your body, thoughts, energy, and mind is part of the process of recovery and coming home to yourself. Acknowledging feelings of loneliness and knowing that allowing yourself to feel those things is not wrong can be a key component in this aspect of healing. You are safe to be who you are.

Trusting You Are on the Right Path

Leaning into the idea that your present is the perfect place to be rather than forcing yourself to be somewhere you are not can feel scary before it feels comforting. Remember: although part of you may think you should be elsewhere, the truth is that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Your ultimate destination requires this moment and, even if it is uncomfortable for now, you can learn to find the good in it.

Healing journeys can often leave you feeling lonely, exhausted, and like you are doing everything wrong. However, it is often the moment you feel the most discomfort that healing happens, as this means you are challenging old patterns and habits. At Avalon Malibu, we understand how difficult and lonely healing can be, and are here to support you. Our team of professionals is here to guide you in a compassionate and nonjudgmental environment. If you need help healing from the loneliness of addiction or mental illness, call Avalon Malibu today at (844) 857-5992.

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