Create a Life Worth Living

young happy woman in nature

If you wake up each morning, wondering whether your life is worth living or saving, you should keep in mind that you are far from alone. Many people, whether gripped by drug addiction or some other inadequate coping device such as gambling or excessive shopping, struggle in this world that continually finds new ways to throw flaming curve balls at them.

It is entirely too easy to harshly judge yourself, no matter what coping choice you make. And often, drug use and eventual addiction is less about a conscious choice you made when you became involved with drugs as it was an available means to drown out the world’s noise and chaos.

Addiction A Disease

Little did you know that you were tapping into a potential disease that was already lying dormant inside of you in the form of drug addiction. The stress of daily life can feel so overwhelming, particularly to people who are sensitive and keyed into the world’s troubles.

Finding an escape seems extremely appealing. The means to escape the world’s woes and harsh realities are everywhere you look in various forms, such as video games, smartphones, pornography, food, work and anything else that people might take to excess. (2)

Your Suffering Is Real and Worth Your Attention and Care

The National Institute on Drug Abuse notes that drug addiction is a complex disease that calls on far more than strong willpower and steel determination, so your challenges with drugs are not unique or freakish. (1) You and your circumstances are unique, but your need to find ways to cope are real. Now the coping mechanism of using drugs has taken control.

The important thing to do now is to acknowledge how deeply entrenched you are in your drug addiction and accept that you need help and a new way to cope with your life, your problems and how you live in this world.

As you glance around your home and can only see the mess your life is in — and maybe the state of your living arrangements reflects your state of mind —you have to look past that and try to imagine a future where you become free of drug use.

And more importantly, you will need to develop a set of tools that frees you from the need for an escape like drugs or any other substance that ultimately robs you of your life. As unlikely as it seems, your recovery is possible as long as you are willing to take bold steps to get there.

You Can’t — and Shouldn’t and Don’t Have To — Do It Alone

When you finally accept that your drug addiction is a disease and that you need help, you need to find the right path toward that help. You might feel afraid or ashamed to reach out to family and friends, but at the core, you need to remember you are worthy of love, forgiveness and help.

You will realize that part of the process toward recovery includes large doses of forgiveness in every direction. With the support of loved ones and with some work on your own, it is important that you find a substance abuse treatment center that is ready to help you find new coping tools, countering all the powerful disruptive effects of drugs, to live a full life. (3) When you are ready for help contact Avalon Malibu for a confidential assessment to help you get started.


  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse, November 2012,
  2. Health Direct Australia, February 2013,
  3. National Institute on Drug Abuse, June 2014,

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