5 Things You Want To Know About Recovery











  • Recovery is progressive: Alcoholism and drug addiction are progressive. Due to the way the disease of addiction takes over the brain and changes brain chemistry, there is always more drugs or alcohol needed for the brain to achieve an equal or greater amount of intoxication. Recovery is also progressive. Neuroplasticity is the term for the way the brain changes and grows as it learns new patterns of behaviors, breaks old habits, and forms new habits. The longer one stays sober and continues working toward recovery, the more recovery-oriented their brain becomes. Among many other things, addiction and alcoholism are processes of learning. Recovery is also a process of learning- learning how to live clean and sober, reduce stress, manage emotions, and find spiritual guidance.
  • Being in recovery isn’t always easy: Alcoholism and addiction live deep in the brain. Even years into recovery, old urges and cravings can fire off in the brain and cause uncomfortable thoughts. Most alcoholics and addicts spend years of their lives intoxicated under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Recovery takes time. Combatting years of chemical alterations in the brain, body, and damage to the spirit, takes time. More importantly, it takes work. The work of recovery, as in going to treatment, working with a therapist, healing the body, learning to meditate, isn’t always going to be easy. As it is often said in recovery, it isn’t always easy, but it is always worth it.
  • Recovery is a lifestyle change: In order to recover, all areas of life which contributed to drug and alcohol addiction have to be changed. Many treatment centers and treatment programs encourage the holistic approach of healing mind, body, and spirit for this reason. In one’s life, addiction and alcoholism is rarely isolated. When one becomes addicted to drugs and alcohol, their entire lives are impacted. As a result, each area of their life affected by drugs and alcohol has to be examined and healed. For many, drug and alcohol addiction was a lifestyle of its own, in addition to being a chronic mental health disorder. Recovery is a new change in lifestyle which promotes health, balance, and wellbeing.
  • Everyone is capable of recovering: Anyone who can honestly admit to themselves that they have a problem with drugs and alcohol which has caused their lives to become unmanageable is capable of recovering. There are no requirements for recovery but willingness, honesty, and open-mindedness. Being willing to work hard, make the change, and leave substances behind can take time. Having an open-mind to living a new life without drugs and alcohol makes the recovery process easier. Honesty is required from the first moment. Too often, people who have not fully become honest with themselves that their drinking and drug use is problematic relapse until they are convinced they need recovery.
  • You don’t have to wait to start recovery: Every person’s journey through their addiction and alcoholism is unique. Similarly, the reasons and avenues by which each person comes to recovery will also be unique. Myth about “hitting rock bottom” or being “high functioning” obscure the true need for recovery. When you’re drinking and drug use has started to have negative impact on your life, your relationships, your physical health, or your mental health, in any way, it is time to seek recovery.


You don’t have to wait for addiction to get worse before it can get better. Avalon By The Sea provides trusted residential treatment programs for substance use and mental health disorders which produce trusted results in healing mind,  body, and spirit. For a confidential assessment, call  (888) 958-7511 today.

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