Treatment for Clinical Depression: Understanding the Differences From Everyday Sadness

Treatment for Clinical Depression: Understanding the Differences from Everyday Sadness

The term depression is commonly misused in place of everyday sadness. Clinical depression is a serious diagnosis that affects the way you think, feel, and function. Depression has many key differences from sadness. It can be critical to recognize the difference between the two. At Avalon Malibu, we understand clinical depression can be isolating, and therefore, you may feel that no one understands what you are experiencing. It may feel hopeless or like seeking help is not an option. We want to assure you firstly that you are never alone and that treatment for clinical depression is a tool that can help you. 

Defining Clinical Depression

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), depression is a mood disorder with symptoms that must be present for at least two weeks to be diagnosed as clinical depression. Different types of clinical depression can occur due to specific situations. Some examples of specific situations can include depression that occurs during that pregnancy or a depressive episode that occurs in individuals who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder. To reiterate, no matter the case, clinical depression is a serious diagnosis that typically requires medical intervention of some kind to manage it properly. 

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) explains clinical depression can develop for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons can include genetics and environmental factors. Depression can affect anyone at any point in life, but some factors can put you at a higher risk. Some examples where you may be at a higher risk include if you have experienced trauma or if someone in your family also has depression. SAMHSA also provides many symptoms of depression, including the following:

  • Changes in appetite
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Lack of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Thoughts of harming yourself 
  • Thoughts of suicide

If you are experiencing any thoughts of harming yourself or others, please reach out for support immediately. The national suicide hotline number is 988. 

Key Differences Between Sadness and Clinical Depression

There are many key differences between sadness and clinical depression. It could be important to know the differences so you can understand when it is necessary to reach out for treatment. As previously mentioned, depression can occur due to specific situations. It is important to know that sadness is always situational. Depression can only be diagnosed if symptoms have been present for at least two weeks but typically lasts longer. Sadness is a situational occurrence that will not last long periods.

A key difference between sadness and depression is that depression can affect your physical health. Because depression typically lasts extended amounts of time, it can take a toll on your body. You may gain or lose weight unintentionally or can ever begin to struggle with other health issues like digestive issues. Some individuals even become deficient in vitamins from digestive issues or simply a lack of proper nutrition.

Another key difference between sadness and depression is that sadness is a normal response to difficult situational circumstances. Depression, on the other hand, is a mood disorder that affects how you feel, think, and act. Mood disorders like clinical depression affect your brain activity, whereas sadness does not. If you have depression, seeking treatment at Avalon Malibu could be a good fit for you. We have a holistic depression treatment center where we can help you heal at our Grand House.

Seeking Treatment and What to Expect

When seeking treatment for your mental health, finding the right treatment facility for you and your specific needs is important. It could benefit you to read about multiple treatment centers before choosing one. You may require more intensive inpatient care rather than outpatient. Whatever the case may be, we are glad you are here and reaching out for help.

At Avalon Malibu, we believe that it is brave of you to reach out for help for your mental health. When you are seeking treatment for clinical depression, it can be critical to feel safe as you begin your healing journey. Depression is a common mental health struggle, and at Avalon Malibu, we can assure you are comfortable as we help you to find relief from your depression symptoms with our holistic approach. Depression treatment can entail a variety of methods to help you create a healthier state of mind. Some of our treatment methods include the following:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Nutritional support
  • Yoga

If our facility is right for you, we will treat your mind, body, and spirit. We believe it is important to treat everyone based on potential, not pathology. Treatment for depression is a safe space. You can come to understand your diagnosis and learn how to get the best relief from your symptoms while healing. 

Clinical depression has key differences from everyday sadness. Clinical depression can affect your mind and body in ways that can require treatment. It is brave to come forward when you need help for your mental health. At Avalon Malibu, we know it can feel uncomfortable and scary to admit you are struggling and need help. We can assure you that we are a safe space to help you begin healing from your clinical depression. We can offer holistic approaches in a luxury setting to keep you comfortable as you come to understand your diagnosis and begin your journey of healing from depression. Please call (844) 857-5992 today for more information on how we can help you heal from your depression.

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