The Effect of Family Life on Addiction

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Anyone can become addicted to alcohol or drugs. The disease of addiction affects people of every age, race, gender and economic status. However, a few genetic and environment factors can boost the likelihood of developing an addiction, and family life is one of those key factors.

A tense family situation or lack of family involvement can increase the risk of addiction and make the path to recovery more difficult. In other cases, family support can be instrumental in helping an addicted person during treatment and recovery. Family therapy can help an addicted individual and their loved ones strengthen their bonds and communicate more effectively.

The Value of Family Involvement

Children whose parents are less involved in their lives are more likely to develop an addiction. This increased likelihood is partly due to a lack of supervision, but an absence of family bonds may also lead someone to substance abuse. Not only does family involvement influence the development of addiction, but it can also impact an addicted person’s chances of recovery.

Most rehab clients report that their decision to seek treatment was influenced by positive family involvement and support. The involvement of family members in treatment can also lead to improved outcomes for the person with an addiction.

Family Tension and Dysfunction

Difficult family situations can also contribute to substance abuse and addiction. The stress, anxiety and sadness of a dysfunctional family may increase the likelihood that an individual turns to substance abuse as a way to numb painful feelings.

Research suggests that a vicious cycle of family tension and substance abuse exists in many families. Poor family relationships often result in substance abuse, and that substance abuse aggravates the existing issues within a family, resulting in more substance abuse.

Family Therapy as a Solution

Addiction doesn’t just affect the substance abuser – it has an impact on every member of the family. Family therapy is an important component of addiction treatment that can help a client’s loved ones understand the complex nature of addiction.

In therapy, family members learn how to support their recovering loved one without enabling their addiction, and clients begin to recognize how their actions impact those around them. Family relationships can become strained when a person has an addiction, but family therapy can help repair these bonds and heal the wounds of substance abuse.

It’s clear that a person’s family life can play an integral role in addiction and recovery. A lack of family support or an unstable family environment can influence the development of addiction and make it more difficult to get on the path to recovery. However, a loving, supportive family structure can help an addicted person make the decision to seek treatment and turn their life around.

If someone you love is struggling with substance abuse, contact us today to learn more about our treatment programs. Our family therapy programs can help clients and their loved ones communicate more effectively and begin the process of healing.

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