Self-Discovery Through Therapy

monochrome photo of thoughtful woman sitting on sofa

Therapy can help you learn about yourself and discover your character and what motivates you as an individual.

If you crave a deeper relationship with yourself, therapy can anchor you into self-discovery, self-empowerment, and self-trust. For it to work, you must find a therapist you can connect with and trust the process.

Find a Therapist That You Connect With 

One of the most important and sometimes most difficult parts of therapy is finding a therapist you relate to and feel comfortable being vulnerable with.

If you do not connect with the first therapist you meet with, permit yourself to seek support from other therapists until you find a better fit.

Trust the Process 

You may not start feeling better right away after beginning therapy. Healing takes time, energy, and trust in the process.

Cultivating a more intimate relationship with yourself, rooted in self-honesty and self-compassion, can be just as challenging as it is rewarding. Such is the process of change; it is uncomfortable, even when experiencing positive change. You may encounter resistance as part of the process, which can feel overwhelming and seem like a sign to quit, but you should not give up.

Even when you feel change is not happening quickly enough or that you are stuck, keep going. Transformation typically occurs when you allow yourself to lean into the process more deeply in the moments when the part of you that thrives off instant gratification wants to quit.

Allow the process to work on its own timeline rather than the one you may have in your head.

Allow Yourself to Be Supported 

Deepening the relationship you have with yourself and creating a life that feels in alignment with what you desire stems from allowing yourself to be seen and supported by someone you trust and feel connected with. You may still feel uncomfortable at times during therapy, as being vulnerable can be challenging. However, vulnerability fosters connection, and connection creates an opportunity for healing.

Allowing yourself to be supported by another person is a radical act of self-care that frequently leads to the cultivation of a deeper connection with yourself and others.

Therapy is something that can benefit anyone and is one of the most powerful tools to explore self-discovery. At Avalon Malibu, we offer individualized therapy that supports you as you create the changes you desire in your life, heal from mental illness concerns, and deepen the connection you have with yourself and others. We realize how intimidating the healing process can be and are here to support you each step of the way. To learn more, call us today at (844) 857-5992.

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