Overcoming the Guilt of Relapse to Find Lasting Recovery

Overcoming the Guilt Associated With Relapse to Find Lasting Recovery

When a person loses control of their ability to withstand their addiction, it is referred to as a relapse. After this happens, the individual will return to the use of their substance of choice (alcohol, illicit drugs, etc.). Instances of relapse are a normal part of recovery, but the guilt of relapse can be hard to cope with. However, it is important to look at relapses as part of the process and not be ashamed of them.

You may have heard the word “lapse” used, but the two are not to be confused with one another. When a person lapses, this is only a temporary straying off the recovery path where they are able to return to their recovery with no issues. The distinguishing factor between the two terms is that when a person lapses, they can quickly stop their substance use, whereas when a person relapses, the return to recovery is difficult.

Understanding Addiction

Addiction, much like other conditions, interrupts the healthy functions of indispensable organs within one’s body. It must be treated as soon as possible to avoid serious mental and physical harm. When faced with addiction, individuals undergo uncontrollable urges to use their substance without regard to these harmful consequences.

Drugs influence the part of the brain associated with rewards and pleasure through the release of considerable amounts of dopamine. This takes place at the base of the brain via neurons through a two-step process. In the beginning, tyrosine (an amino acid) is transformed into L-dopa (also an amino acid). Finally, this will then be transformed into dopamine.

The Risk of Relapse

Research shows that relapse rates are between 40-60%. Why are the rates so high? Many things can trigger a relapse for someone. The most common among these are withdrawals, friends or other people associated with the previous substance abuse, places or things in relation to the substance, and even just experiencing lower or poor moods can trigger the relapse.

Banish the Guilt of Relapse

Because of the nature of addiction, it is understandable for an individual to fall back into old habits. The most important thing to do when you fall, though, is to get back up and keep moving toward a substance-free life. With Avalon Malibu, we make returning or starting treatment after relapse warm and welcoming. Long-term and sustainable sobriety without relapse is what we strive for.

No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Relapse comes with guilt, but you can banish those thoughts and stand tall. Get back up and take charge. You can’t go back and change the past. Your history is what makes you stronger. It provides the building blocks for your future and serves to add power to your recovery testimony.

Effective Treatment With Long-Lasting Results

At Avalon Malibu, participants receive the highest quality treatment through a multi-level process. The first step generally involves a week of detox followed by a few months in residential inpatient care. When that is finished, participants will then participate in an outpatient program fit for their individual needs and schedule. Below is a list of some of the modalities you might see in the residential program:

  • Psychotherapy: Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are just some of the evidence-based therapy methods used for addiction recovery
  • Relapse Prevention Therapy: Treatment focused solely on relapse and how to identify triggers as well as combat them
  • Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR): Moving the eyes a certain way while recalling past distress helps to change the emotions, thoughts, and behaviors surrounding upsetting events that may be related to the addiction
  • Massage Therapy: Evidence suggests that regular massages help boost the mind and the body while promoting immune function
  • Acupuncture: Studies have shown that the use of acupuncture can help with pain as well as certain mental health disorders.
  • Yoga: Works to relax an individual’s mind and body, helping to significantly boost overall health
  • Physical Fitness: Tremendous amounts of evidence proves that physical fitness plays a significant role in mental health; the use of this in the recovery journey is essential for every aspect of improvement

A Substance-Free Future: Moving Past the Guilt of Relapse

By taking proactive steps for your mental and physical health, you will not only achieve healthy relapse prevention, but you will help to ensure that your future is the one you deserve to experience. A future that is filled with a lifetime of joy and laughter and is completely substance free.

Relapsing doesn’t define you, and no relapse equates to failure. Setbacks are part of life, and they are certainly part of recovery. No recovery journey happens overnight, but every single success story was worth every second of effort. Don’t let the guilt into your life. Brush it off, stand tall, and make the decision today to get back on track.

The guilt from relapsing can leave you feeling scared and discouraged. There is no need to be ashamed. Whether you’re just starting your recovery journey or have relapsed recently, Avalon Malibu welcomes all walks of life. We hold no judgment and understand that every recovery journey is different. Setbacks are normal. The perfect person does not exist. When you fall, we will help you get back up. You are a strong and capable individual, and long-term sustainable sobriety is what we can help you achieve. You deserve no less. Despite its normalcy, relapse should be ignored as it can have a drastic impact on your path to healing. Call us today at (844) 857-5992 to get back on track.

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