How Should I Go About Finding a Role Model in Recovery?

men walking on golf course

Recovery is a critical time to ground yourself and develop tools towards reaching your goals. Many people in recovery look towards others whom have been successful in recovery to propel them on their journey. They may look at a leader that guides their group sessions, or they may connect with an alumnus of a treatment program they are attending to gain tips and information related to their success. Support is crucial during recovery; previous research has shown that support from friends and family has been consistently found to predict positive outcomes for a person’s recovery. Finding a role model is a wonderful way to build your support system and further strengthen your recovery goals and determination.

Role models can provide us with:

  • A view of where we want to be in our lives, and a template for how to get there
  • A source of comfort in tricky situations and a source of praise in celebrating great achievements
  • A source of guidance and advice

While this list may seem short, they each reap so many benefits. If you can find someone whom you can look up to and aspire to be, as well as someone whom you can share your concerns with and get advice, you have won the role model lottery! There are, however, some things that you want to avoid with finding a role model:

  • Idolizing your role model to the point of obsession
  • Losing your own sense of self and identity from following your role model too closely
  • Not recognizing that your role model is human too, and can disappoint you and make mistakes just like anybody else
  • Comparing yourself negatively to your role model, causing you to halt your recovery

Role models are supposed to uphold high morals and values, and exercise them regularly. When doing this, they gain respect from others and encourage others to do the same. If you’re considering a role model in recovery, be selective in who you choose and always re-evaluate if their influence is having a positive effect on your motivations in recovery. Having a role model can be a wonderful thing and there are so many benefits, if all you have is the right person.





Avalon Malibu is a world-renowned, California state-licensed mental health and substance abuse recovery treatment center. We believe in holistic recovery, meaning that we will work with you to restore and rebalance your mind, body, and spirit. Make the decision to seek help today. Call us today at 888-958-7511 for a consultation.

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