Creating a Sustainable Fitness Routine

Creating a Sustainable Fitness Routine

Exercise has many benefits not only for your physical health but mental health as well. Yet, beginning new habits, such as a fitness routine, can be easier said than done. It can be hard to find a routine that is not only sustainable but also adds joy to your life. Making fitness work for you, rather than against you, can make all the difference in gaining all the mental and physical benefits you can from an exercise regimen.

What Works for You May Not Work for Another

Finding what works for you may look different from what works for someone else. Like many things, when it comes to mental health and wellness, there are many trends that trick you into thinking you can do the same thing as someone else and experience the same results.

Because everyone is different, what works for each person will be different too. Experiment with different forms of movement and consider what feels best for you and gives you the results you are looking for.

Focusing On Joyful Movement

A common belief is that exercise has to be hard in order to be good, or that you must move your body as punishment to earn food and manipulate your appearance. When you do something—exercise or anything else—from a space of punishment, it is unlikely that whatever habit you are trying to instill in yourself will stick.

Instead, move your body from a space of compassion, knowing that exercise is beneficial for both mind and body. Focus on how moving your body improves your emotional and physical feelings and what forms of movement help you find joy in the process.

Being Realistic in Your Method

You may have grandiose expectations of yourself when beginning a new exercise habit. As a result, you can quickly burn yourself out on whatever habit you are trying to implement when you begin at full speed rather than easing in and considering what is realistic. For instance, perhaps you start with the goal of working out six days a week for sixty minutes. Although, what may be realistic for your time, energy, and endurance at the start is three days a week for thirty minutes. Allow your starting point to be enough and work your way up.

When it comes to creating new habits and finding sustainable fitness routines, allow yourself to find what works for you rather than basing your methods on someone else. You can create a sustainable fitness routine to help you reach your wellness goals by finding what works for you, focusing on joyful movement, and being realistic in your expectations of yourself.

Incorporating some form of movement into your life is beneficial not only physically, but mentally as well. In beginning a movement routine, ensure it’s sustainable. Doing so will bring you the most benefit and best results. At Avalon Malibu, our team is here to support you as you cultivate mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. We know that movement is a big component of holistic healing. If you are ready for support in your growth, call Avalon Malibu today at (844) 857-5992.

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