Continuing the Management of Your Mental Health After Treatment

Continuing The Management Of Your Mental Health After Treatment

Managing your mental health under any circumstance can be difficult. At Avalon Malibu, we know addiction especially can tend to have impacts on your life that can result in mental health struggles. There are also many different mental health issues which can co-occur with addiction. Choosing to recover from addiction may seem daunting; however, sobriety has the potential to heal your mental health. This means you must continue managing your mental health after treatment. This can be beneficial in many aspects, but especially in helping support your opportunity to continue your recovery long-term. 

Managing Your Mental Health After Treatment and in Long-Term Recovery

Addiction treatment is an environment where you have a high level of support. This can help make the healing process much more comfortable. However, Avalon Malibu believes it is important that you also learn how to manage your mental health after treatment. Preparing for life after treatment is an important factor in setting yourself up for success and ensuring that you can continue your recovery long-term. 

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) states that mental health issues are common among people with addiction. Therefore, when treating your addiction, it is crucial any mental health issues you have are addressed as well. Just as addiction recovery is a lifelong journey, mental health can be as well and there is no shame in needing to take time to care for it. There are many different ways you can care for your mental health after treatment, which can support your long-term recovery.

If receiving treatment from us at Avalon Malibu is the right fit for you, we can assure you we will provide a high level of quality care. We believe our individualized approach as well as our ability to provide aftercare is vital. Aftercare is important because we can work to help you transition back into life after treatment. This means we will support you as best as we can in treatment and set you up for success by ensuring you can manage your mental health after treatment, too. Aftercare can include helping you find resources for mental health support after treatment as well.

Finding Mental Health Support After Treatment

There are many different mental health struggles that can co-occur with addiction. With this in mind, there are multiple ways you can approach managing the mental health concerns you have. After treatment with Avalon Malibu, we can help acclimate you to available resources outside of treatment. If at any time you need to find additional resources, do not hesitate to reach out for help. Most people would not feel ashamed or embarrassed to seek help for a physical health problem, so try to keep this in mind when seeking help for your mental health. 

As previously mentioned, addiction recovery and mental health recovery can be life-long journeys. This could mean that your recovery will ebb and flow, which means in other words, that you may have periods of time where recovery feels easier or harder depending on other factors in your life. When there are other stressors present, you may want to be proactive and seek out support groups in your area. You could also discuss scheduling extra sessions with an outpatient therapist for additional support when needed. 

Other Ways to Manage Your Mental Health After Treatment

Continuing one-on-one therapy after treatment for addiction and mental health can be crucial. It is important to note that even when you are feeling good and recovery is going well, having a strong support system is beneficial. You may not need to go into an intense therapy session as often when life is going well, but keeping that therapeutic relationship open can be helpful in maintaining your mental health. Being sure to check in with how you feel is not a bad place to put time and energy. 

Managing your mental health after treatment does not always have to involve one-on-one therapy. Sometimes, what we need for our mental health can include things like socializing with friends and family. For some, meeting new people can increase their mood, for others, spending time alone writing in a journal or practicing an activity like yoga is more grounding and mood-lifting. Whatever you find works best for you is valid. Be sure to check in with yourself and make sure you are getting your needs met in healthy ways.

Some other ways you could manage your mental health may include blowing off steam by moving your body. Exercise can be one example of this. Again, check in with yourself – for some people, being intensely active feels good, but for you, lighter activity may be more comfortable and better for your overall well-being. Honoring what is right for you and your recovery is important.  

Managing your mental health after treatment is a vital piece to your long-term addiction recovery. At Avalon Malibu, we provide a high level of quality care while you receive help for your addiction and begin your healing journey. We can help support you and get you onto the path of recovery to give you the opportunity to live the life you deserve. Managing your mental health after treatment could include a variety of skills you take with you from your time in treatment back into your life afterward. Mental health is an important part of your recovery, and there is no shame in getting help for it. Call (844) 857-5992 for additional information on how we can help.

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