An Overview of The Grand House at Avalon Malibu

An Overview of The Grand House at Avalon Malibu

Struggling with a psychiatric disorder or a mental health problem of any kind still has some stigma surrounding it. Millions struggle with their mental health, and we understand that anyone can be at risk for these conditions. Because of this, we aim to have a comfortable residential treatment center where you can heal. We believe you are deserving of help and that The Grand House could be right for you. The Grand House is a private mental health facility where we can help you recover from a variety of mental health issues as your primary diagnosis. 

What We Treat at The Grand House

The Grand House is a wonderful, comfortable facility part of Avalon Malibu, where we help treat men and women with mental health struggles. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. When seeking treatment for your mental health, try to put the situation into perspective. You wouldn’t feel ashamed to treat a broken bone or another physical illness, so why would you feel ashamed of getting help with your mental health? 

We want to best support you in your recovery journey by making The Grand House a safe space to heal. There are a variety of psychiatric disorders and mental health diagnoses we can treat. Feeling powerless may be a feeling you are familiar with if you struggle with your mental health. We can help you through a variety of methods to take that power back and heal.

Another important note about The Grand House is that it is a dual diagnosis center. This means we can treat co-occurring disorders. For example, if you struggle with an eating disorder, you may also have a diagnosis of depression or anxiety. These co-occurring disorders can be treated alongside your other diagnosis. We do not only treat our clients on the surface, meaning we aim to find the root cause of your struggles and treat any underlying issues you may have.  

Who Is Best Suited for Treatment at The Grand House?

If you have a mental health diagnosis that is affecting your day-to-day life, The Grand House could be right for you. As previously mentioned, we treat both men and women. Avalon Malibu believes you are more than your mental health diagnosis. We think you are deserving of our support as you engage in therapy to learn how to support yourself after treatment. 

We understand at Avalon Malibu that without proper coping skills, a mental health diagnosis can feel lonely. This commonly leads individuals to refrain from seeking help. There may be a fear there will be a lack of understanding if you reach out for help. We want to assure you that our residential treatment for mental health is equipped to support your needs. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) states, “It is estimated that more than one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (57.8 million in 2021).”

With this statistic in mind, it is unfortunate that stigma still surrounds mental health. However, we hope more conversations about mental health will help. We believe we can successfully help treat your mental health issues, including addiction. For many, addiction and mental health struggles go hand-in-hand. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) stated in 2021, “13.5 percent of young adults aged 18 to 25 had both a substance use disorder and any mental illness in the past year.”

If you are struggling with addiction and mental health diagnosis, we want to best support you in your recovery. Residential treatment could be right for you if you have multiple diagnoses. In our comfortable environment, we will help you address your struggles with your mental health. We will also teach you how to implement what you learn in treatment into your everyday life. 

Learning and Utilizing New Coping Skills

There are a variety of coping skills we can help support you in utilizing at The Grand House. When learning new coping skills, we want to ensure that you find what works best for you and your recovery. Everyone’s journey can look different, and we will make adjustments to your specific needs. This is so that after you have completed residential treatment, you can go on to utilize healthy coping skills outside of the treatment facility. 

Learning and practicing new coping skills to manage your mental health can take time and effort. With this in mind, The Grand House is mindfulness-based. Through a mindfulness-based approach, we can help you become aware of your triggers and stressors. This will have an impact on your healing journey. We believe awareness in recovery is important as it can help you to best manage your mental health after treatment has been completed. 

Residential treatment at The Grand House is designed to help you heal from mental health issues. Avalon Malibu is able to create individualized plans for your needs. We want to support you as best we can to help ensure you can manage everyday life after treatment. It is important to us at The Grand House that we have a high level of support available to you to help you on your healing journey. The Grand House can help both men and women with primary mental health diagnoses. We will do our best to find the root causes of your struggles and treat them accordingly. Call (844) 857-5992 today for more information on treating your mental health at The Grand House.

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