Choosing Holistic Care for Improved Sleep Over Ambien For some individuals, falling asleep can be a serious challenge.
Facing Phobias With Didactic Group Therapy An overwhelming fear of a specific object or situation can disrupt a person’s lifestyle.
The Role of Healing Your Inner Child in Addiction Recovery Childhood trauma can cause lasting damage.
The Impact of Meditation and Learning How to Ground Yourself Maybe you are stressed out from trying to balance education, work, and relationships.
Opening Up to Your Family About Addiction Treatment You may be feeling hesitant to open up to your family about your addiction treatment.
The Dangers of Comparison in Recovery and How to Shift Your Focus It is only natural for people to compare their progress with others in recovery.
Learning How to Express Tough Emotions It can be challenging for some individuals to express tough emotions in healthy ways.
Returning to Work After Treatment A working professional’s day-to-day may be packed with what seems to be endless tasks.
How a Holistic Treatment Approach Could Work for You Not everyone is interested in the idea of taking synthetic prescription medications.